~ Soul Channels from the Master Artist ~

These Soul Channels, articles, music, and prose are the messages from the Master Artist we know as Source/God/All That Is as it has poured through my hands. They are listed below. They are the Universe's gift to all souls of this earth. These are the messages that reside within the Soul, the Spiritual Soul BEing we ARE (A Revolving Experience of) that we have chosen unconsciously to forget in coming here to this earth dimension to play this game called LIFE (Living Infinitely From Existence and Living Infinitely From Experience).

These offerings are gifted here to assist you with Re-membering (or experiencing the memory) of who you ARE as an infinite consciousness within a physical body temple and within this physical human form, we re~member the Soul we are. These are just some of the infinite channeled messages from the Universe.

There are infinitely others offered within my books (If you are interested in my books, please email me). Although my name graces these pages as author, I Am free from being the author of such wisdom. Such is from the Master Artist, and I, I Am just the clear channel in which it pours through. It is wisdom by All That Is, for All That Is, which includes all of us souls here on this earth and within the infinite universe.

To view each channel, simply click on the various links below for each section~ Love, Light, Language, Oneness. Then in each section simply click on the name of the channel and it will come up in a pdf file for you. May this wisdom gifted from the Universe, from your Soul to you bring forth to you the gift (Gift ~ Gifting Infinitely From Tao; Tao which is the Life Source Energy we all are and emanate from) of a way of BEing that is uplifting, inspirational, and full of Soul Rememberings Through Life Experience within your Sacred Path journey! Enjoy their gifts and may your heart be guided by Love, and may your songs echo this same heart. 

~Soul Channels from the Master Artist
through Lady Nenari~

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